Social Media Marketing

The Power of social Media

Building Relationships, Defining your Brand

Social Media is no longer an area that a small business can afford to ignore.  While some industries clearly need to rely more on Social Media than others, to ignore social media is to ignore a pillar of 21st Century marketing.  Social Media is where you have the opportunity to define your brand, build relationships with customers and become a leader in your community. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Linked In all play their own unique roles in the Social Media ecosystem and your business should understand where it needs to be in that ecosystem.

For many small businesses, Social Media just isn’t something they have the time, expertise or resources to handle.  Southeast Web Services provides small business with an array of Social Media Management and Marketing strategies to fit your business needs and budget.  Whether all you need is a few professionally produced posts each week on Facebook and Instagram, or a more complete lead generation and marketing strategy, our team can help. 

Where are your customers?

Meet Your Customers where They are

Social Media gives you the opportunity to speak to your customers where they are on their terms.  Make it fun, make it personal, make it you!

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Over 75% of internet users use Social Media to research brands before making a purchase. (Data Reportai, 2022)


Hours Per Day

The average amount of time per day that Social Media users are actively using their Social Media accounts. (Data Reportai, 2021)


Billion Facebook Users Worldwide

Facebook is not only by far the most widely used platform, it is the best for advertising your small business.

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The Power Of Social Media

73% of Internet Marketers believe Social Media Marketing has been "somewhat effective" or "very effective" for their business (Buffer, 2019)

Reach Your Audience

Facebook possesses incredibly detailed data on its users, allowing you to target the ideal customer profile for your business.

Listen And Engage

See what your followers are talking about and take part in the conversation. Let them experience your voice and personality.

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Consistency Is Key

It's not enough to just post once every so often. The Social algorithms are looking for regularity of content and strong engagement.

Unlocking SEO: How It Works
Be A Leader

Let your audience know that you are a thought leader in your market and active in your community. Spark their interest, gain their trust.

pick the right platforms

Grow Your Brand's Presence On The Social Networks That Matter Most

First you must understand your audience and where they congregate on Social Media.  Then you must identify your goals with and develop content to achieve those goals.  Are you building a brand and telling a story or are you simply looking to stand out as a local service provider?  Is your target market younger or older?  B2C or B2B?

At Southeast Web Services, we understand the Social Media platforms and can help you build a strategy that will make your company stand out and speak to your core audience on their level and on their favorite platforms.  Whether it’s engaging and aesthetically pleasing creative or ads that will convert…we’ve got the secret sauce to help you grow your brand and connect with your desired customers like never before!

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